Saturday, November 27, 2010


A fight within me is raging, half wants to embrace the habit of lay low let the others do whatever and half wants to be part of the world, engaging with new people new experience of blinding-sun-gazing, standing-on-one-hand, or whatever. 

Tonight, the antisocial wins. I don't feel like popping out at this event my friend invites me to, just because I have a feeling I'd be weirded out. What a lamer -.-'

Anyway, tomorrow there will be office event. Must come and see people from the other divisions which is rare to happen since my office is separated from the main office (read:civilization).  Lets get lost in the crowd, I loved it once, going though sea of people rubber-necking to see where my friends are... GO FESTIVE! 

*hiccups* I just want to be blown away... have my chest burned by attention of the SUN. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Essay for HIV/AIDS Day Writing Contest

2010, when access to all kinds of freedom is open, by this I mean freedom in living how you want to, freedom to have knowledge on anything cross your mind, and freedom to question, there are still “unreachable corners” where taboo subjects left untouched. One among those subjects that becomes our concern as its awareness day is approaching is HIV/AIDS.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, virus that attacks human immune system which makes human “unprotected”. HIV causes AIDS by damaging the immune system cells until the immune system can no longer fight off other infections that it would usually be able to prevent. It takes around ten years on average for someone with HIV to develop AIDS.

There are various ways a person can get infected by HIV: a) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person, b) Contact with an infected person’s blood (in sufficient number of blood), c) Blood transfusion, d) Injected drugs, e) From mother to child during pregnancy, delivering, and breastfeeding. If we made a poll on words related to HIV/AIDS the top answer would be “sex” and why HIV/AIDS is not well-discussed because it is always linked to sex.

Lets for a moment focus on young people and effort to educate them about HIV/AIDS, the freedom to access media where the attack of thousands new things occur to these minors is overwhelming. Indonesian history has not closed on those celebrities adultery which are accessible by these minors through media. They are easy victims as they are simply curious about sex and their sexuality. This could be a good thing if it is balanced with the proper knowledge of what sex is, what consequences it has, why and when is the right time to have sex. Applied to many people, not merely to young people, that perception of sex intercourse’s consequence is merely pregnancy and in relation to that condom was invented to prevent pregnancy only. This is a crack that should be covered by education.

Little that I knew how big the roles of HIV/AIDS institutions/organizations were before I took part in their field work. Working for HIV/AIDS NGO named LARAS gave me a chance to directly see how far people’s comprehension on HIV/AIDS and its opportunistic infections were and the effort of outreach workers to educate people. Come to surface layers and layers of society we need to reach, it seems like years of work through media such as TV and radio commercials, leaflets etc are not enough.

Not in order, on one of the layers there are students and young people who are delicate on this subject, parents tend to think it is unnecessary if not taboo for them to get such knowledge. But on the other hand better understanding of what HIV/AIDS is, what the transmission methods are and how to prevent the transmission. In parallel with the transmission methods, the prevention methods are by having safe sex (condoms) and loyal to your partner, not sharing needles when using injected drugs and be aware of transfused blood. The point of HIV/AIDS education is not to promote sex or injected drugs but to give them better understanding of one action that can lead people to life destruction. Related to the effort to prevent HIV transmission through injected drugs, some non-governmental organizations support drug addicts with syringes so they do not have to share the needles and transmit HIV. Indonesian government still opposes this prevention idea since it is seen as a support to drug using. It is depends on the point of view on this matter, on one side the non-governmental organizations put the HIV harm reduction first while the government still focuses on the harm of drug using. This leaves homework for Indonesian government and non-governmental organizations to sit and discuss a way out.

The second layer I will mention is the society, in here education is supposed to kill the stigmas on people living with HIV/AIDS. The perception of society about people living with HIV/AIDS as people living the punishment for their sins has to be changed, there are lots of innocent people got infected by HIV/AIDS such as babies who are infected from their mothers and wives who are infected because their husbands do not live by safe sex. Hopefully by knowing how HIV transmitted would help them understand this and embrace people living with HIV/AIDS. More important to promote awareness society also has to be introduced to HIV test called Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) to have control on their HIV status because we never know how HIV might infect us. Among the spreading method, people have little understanding of possibility of being infected through blood transfusion, in this case besides giving more education to the society so they can be selective on the blood transfusion, hospitals and PMI also have be a good filter of healthy blood for transfusion. With full awareness hopefully the society can work hand in hand, also with government, to support harm reduction of HIV/AIDS.

The third layer is sex workers and injected drug users where they are seen as the “sources” of the spread of HIV. A very strong understanding is obliged to be provided to sex workers and injected drug users about HIV/AIDS and how they can protect themselves. Such education is crucial and yet often abandoned seeing these people start to work as sex workers  and use drugs at far too young at age, the lack of education and attention from the family hold important role why they made this mistake at the first place. In my experience with LARAS, where we dealt more with sex workers, most of the girls were forced or tricked into human trafficking. Once again the lack of education and financial difficulties force them to do whatever job offered to them. In some cases that we found in sex worker complex in Bontang, girls from other islands were promised to work on cafes or restaurants but as they arrived in East Kalimantan they were put into situation where they had to work as sex worker and no other option as they had to pay for their fares from their hometown to East Kalimantan. Broader look on my work with LARAS, LARAS is a non-governmental organization supported by a Dutch organization named Mainline. LARAS commits to educate and empower sex workers to protect themselves which hopefully will lead to reduce of HIV/AIDS spread. Supported by numbers of outreach workers, LARAS gives counseling to sex workers and promote the importance of using condom. By using of condom these girls are given mentality that they have power and options to decide on their own fate, they are no longer have to be accept being infected by their clients. This mentality is called women empowerment, always use condom.

An interesting yet shocking experience chit-chatting with some of new sex workers, still at the same complex, one of the Mainline workers asked to those sex workers whether they always offered their clients to use condom. Some of them said yes, some shyly said sometimes, and I caught a girl whispered to her friend asking what condom was, and after her friend explained she said she often rejected when her client offered to use condom. It was sad to know the girl had no whatsoever knowledge what condom was, what great value it’s supposed to give her and yet she had to work on that field.

I hope that experience can be an eye-opening of how important education is to empower people to protect themselves which will lead to the harm reduction of HIV/AIDS. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Lil Remembrance For My Sister

Night 1

Sipping my coffee, it came late... as I came early to work. The coffee man asked me whether my boss will come today, and of course he will although a lil late since he will take his son to dentist.

There is a funny story about that coffee man and my boss, but now I want to talk about something else. This morning I felt like craving for egg sandwich as I rode my motorbike to work and remembered one night me and Loon (a nick name I give to my friend) went out for some good time. We went to this sandwich place by the the street recommended by Loon. The sandwich was good and so was the price.

As usual, we talked in English all the time for two reasons... One, no one can be snoopy whatsoever. Two, English dept students have to practice a lot right :D 
Anyway, then everyone was watching us including these young men who served us (woohoo!) and then one of them asked were you from abroad? Before I even opened my mouth Loon already said "Yes, she's from Thailand" LOL. And the guy looked at me with excitement, wth.

If he had a lil bit of knowledge (without looking down at him or Thais) I'd say he'd know I wasn't a Thai. Thais have thick accent that would influence their English, funny words they'd say as they don't have some consonants. Plus me and Loon are so Javanese, at least to me Loon is... and I, according to my lovely lecturer Pak Bibit, am too. 

After all, its a good laugh... We were so happy doing it and were about to do the crime again to the next shop haha when then I realized my student (I was teaching at a high school at that time for university requirement) was helping his brother, the owner of the shop. So I said to Loon, lets go home lol. 

1001 nights with Loon. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sparkle Quest

Close to tears, I find myself lost after the excitement... which sadly was just a temporary stage. I have not find what I was looking for, no sparkle could this little girl catch. And soon as I stare blankly at my empty hands, I sit down and think. What now?

I had no grand expectation put on my adventure and yet like any other characters I wish to find myself a happy ending or something close enough to it. Maybe a few months of surreal dreams, even that is impossible my friend. 

IF I want to look back, I suppose I can have what I have had before... but do I really want to step back? Walk into the muddy path I struggled to get out from? There is a house, a familiar house though it's cold, by the end of that path but maybe I need a warmer one. 

I guess I will just keep walking with my hands wide open, my eyes wide open and hopefully like that dark night by the river of Sekayam I will find "sparkles" coming out to light up (Andrew and Kaspar who were bathing :P) the world. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Backpackers' Spirit

As much as IRC is addiction and source of freaks, I am always granted with bless to meet nice people and there in IRC I met Ayu and Icca who live far away from me. Different kinds of online chat tools stick us together, you name it. We are three girls that, who someone called MAFIA lol,  share almost same story... share the same interests. I won't mention them all here now hehe.

But one of those interests is our passion for life-flipping conscience-challenging journey to lands of strangers. We want our feet to be swept over by an experience not everyone can live it, and somehow we realize we can not sit down and beg the sky to drop a free ticket.

So instead of wishing for my office to send me somewhere (more coz its extremely impossible) me and the girls are planning on saving and book tickets to go around EUROPE! Although my skeptical side says Europe is too big to be conquered by someone who has such short leave from work. And for someone with flat pocket like me... maybe Paolo Nutini's version is kinda better "short on money long on time" altho my preference if I had to choose one of them is most definitely "long on money short on time" :P


How to explore the whole continent?! It would be a life time job, unless:
a. You marry a millionaire.
b. You suddenly appointed by Lonely Planet (or the competitors) to do the pleasant job for them.
c. World has gone nuts and Rupiah (in our case) currency rockets UP to the sky I have John Travolta flies me to Greece. WICKED AWESOME!

Back to reality, me and Ayu are trying to figure out which spots we want to visit and HOW we actually come in the continent, tough job. Anyway to initially start the good will (hehe) we bought big map of Europe and sticked it on our walls. OFFICIAL PLAN ^-^

No adventures without obstacles, so here is the list of difficulties that cross my mind atm:
1. VISA, crucial - can not go without this.
2. Sufficient amount of money - its hard to predict how much money we actually need. 
3. Fit the schedule - not only I have to arrange my leave plan, the three of us must make perfect calculation of timing and options of transportation to be on schedule. 

Ah yeah have I mentioned we are going in 2012? Yupidu, I still have two years to fill my treasure bags. Making money is manageable but keeping it safe in my bank account is beyond belief tough hahaha. So wish me LUCK! Ayu and Icca, CHAYO!!!! <3 

Thursday, November 11, 2010


perputaran itu terlalu cepat, kata Ku dewasa
sementara dia berusaha menjejakkan kakinya kuat-kuat
agar waktu berhenti sedangkan Ku remaja hanya melirik
melengos sambil memainkan rambutnya, tak habis pikir
Ku tua tersenyum penuh arti melihat Ku dewasa
kau hanya menyakiti dirimu sendiri dengan usahamu itu, nak
waktu sudah sangat terkenal tegas dan disiplin
apa yang membuatmu berpikir dia akan berhenti
walau hanya untuk menatapmu sejenak?
kenali dia, mungkin kau akan berteman dengannya
seperti aku, kata Ku tua lirih
aku yang berkata pada teman baikku itu
waktu yang bijak, bisakah kau berlari hanya untukku?


I was quite sure the face I saw wasn’t mine,

And yet part of me belongs to it as

It looked back at me

Staring at that reflection longer than I meant to

Didn’t help me at all at the same time

But then I knew the name of that face, meine Liebe

One I gave my fragile heart and did it happen?

That half of me flied to him, either his to me?

My heart worked faster at the bizarre thought

That it could be the missing piece of this puzzle

Of why this surrealism ever existed.


Entah apa yang membawaku untuk berdiri didepan jendela itu, suara hati? Entahlah. Disana seorang lelaki terbingkai sempurna lengkap dengan simbol kejantanan [setidaknya begitu anggapan orang, tidak termasuk aku, tentang...] rokok di antara jemari tangan kirinya sementara tangan kanannya bertumpu pada pagar beton dimana dia duduk. Setelah sebuah hisapan panjang dia membiarkan tangan kiri berikut rokoknya ikut bertumpu di pagar beton selaras dengan sang kanan.

Walau duduk membelakangiku dapat ku baca di punggungnya raut menerawang. Ketika sekali lagi dia menghisap rokoknya ku lihat kepalanya mengikuti asap rokok yang dari tempatku berdiri tampak seperti keluar dari kepalanya yang terdongak menatap asap yang terbang ke atas dan hilang, sekarang dia justru tampak seperti bocah ingusan yang terpukau melihat betapa ajaibnya sang asap. Mengingatkan ku pada masa kecil kala aku dengan antusias menonton bapak merokok sambil berkata " Ayo pak lagi, keluarin asapnya lewat hidung" takjub melihat yang dihisap lewat mulut keluar dari hidung kemudian hilang blas tanpa bekas. Kalau saja aku yang bocah tidak melihat hampir semua lelaki dewasa merokok pasti dengan bangga aku menganggap bapakku pesulap.

Lelaki itu sekarang menjentikkan rokoknya dan abu pun berguguran di rumput hijauku yang oleh lelaki itu dianggap sebagai asbak rokok jagad raya ini. Oh Tuhan... dia adalah salah satu dari manusia-manusia itu, mereka yang menganggap bumi ini adalah tempat sampah jagad raya ini. Mereka yang berpikir sungai mempunyai ilmu gaib yang dapat menghilangkan sampah yang mereka buang ke dalamnya. Tragis miris!

Kemudian pikiran positifku berkata, "Tak mengapa, itu cuma ABU, dia bukannya membuang plastik yang bikin bumi sesak nafas, Las!" Mungkin dia bukan salah satu dari mereka dan kembali ku menatap punggungnya walau itu tak memberi jawaban sampai ketika lelaki itu tiba-tiba membuatku terlonjak bangga setengah mati. Dengan sabar dinantinya bara api kecil di ujung sisa rokoknya padam dengan sendirinya, kehabisan medium menyusut dan mati kemudian diletakkanlah oleh lelaki itu, sang puntung ke saku celana panjang hitamnya tanpa berdiri. Terus dia duduk di pagar beton sampai matahari mulai terlihat kehilangan daya, alam menawarkan lembayung yang menentramkan jiwa yang letih setelah hari yang panjang.

Aku bersiap untuk melihat lelaki itu berdiri, seperti sang sutradara yang tahu persis apa yang dia ingin tokohnya lakukan. Maka berdirilah dia dengan cepat dan memutar badannya yang artinya kini dia berhadapan denganku dalam jarak lima belas meter yang memisahkan kami dan dapat kulihat dengan jelas sekarang raut yang kubaca lewat punggungnya...... matanya yang tersenyum padaku detik ini.

Ku lihat bocah ingusan itu lagi, kini di bola matanya, seakan dia tergelak sambil menceritakan kisah lucunya. Lelaki bermata bocah itu telah berada di depan pintu rumahku, dapat ku dengar nafas teraturnya dari balik sekat kayu jati yang kemudian ku buka perlahan, seketika itu angin menghembuskan perpaduan antara wangi parfumnya yang kubelikan sebagai hadiah ulang tahunnya dan bau asap rokok yang biasanya selalu membuatku mengomel panjang karena menempel lekat di kemejanya tapi hari ini aku ingin mencintai lelaki bermata bocah itu terlebih ketika dia berkata, "Sayang, aku pulang".


Aku masih penuh tanya bagaimana dia menyebutkan namaku dengan begitu berbeda, nama sederhanaku yang hanya TIGA huruf. Kamu lagi jatuh cinta tuh, kata sahabatku, aku bisa liat dari wajahmu kentara sekali! Itu ketika aku sedang duduk di sebelah dia di sofa empuk dan berbagi selimut di pagi yang dingin, ketika di luar terlihat embun masih menghalangi pandangan.

Hanya beberapa jam yang lalu kami, aku, dia dan beserta beberapa teman lain, berada di bus malam menuju kota dingin ini. Kami duduk berdua di dalam bis menjauhkan diri dari teman-teman yang sesekali melirik usil ingin tahu kami sedang apa, mereka yang lebih centil daripada gadis-gadis SMU itu terus melongokkan kepala ke arah kami. Kami sedang apa? Hmmm membaca majalah sambil setengah mati memutar otak agar komentar yang keluar membuat lawan bicara kagum atau paling tidak terdengar CERDAS di telinga sendiri. Untung saja majalah yang kami baca bukan Cosmopolitan, bisa mati duduk aku! *pikirkan saja topik diskusi yang bisa diambil dari Cosmopolitan*

Setelah habis membolak-balik majalah kami malah diam seperti adegan malam pertama penganten India, aku menatap jendela bis mencoba memandang keluar walau aku tak lagi bisa melihat pemandangan di luar karena telah ditelan pekatnya malam dan terangnya lampu di dalam bis yang malah memantulkan gerak-gerik para penumpang, aku merasa seperti bercermin. Alih-alih mematut-matut diri sendiri aku mengamati bayangannya, dia yang mulai bercakap-cakap dengan pria tua dengan botol minuman keras di tangan dan tawaran untuk berbagi tegukan remeh temeh ditolaknya dengan sopan.

Si pria tua mulai bercerita tentang mengapa dia berada di bis yang kami tumpangi itu, setangkapku pria tua itu dalam perjalananan ke rumahnya setelah bertahun-tahun tidak pulang. Dia bahkan tidak tahu apakah keluarganya akan menerima kepulangannya dengan tangan terbuka. Pada titik ini aku berusaha meyakinkan diri semua ini bukan bagian dari reality show, tidak ada kamera whatsoever! Tapi cerita ini pastinya bakal bikin produser reality show tertarik.

Aku menonton percakapan mereka dari “layar jendela bis” dan sesekali ku lihat dia menengok ke arahku entah apa maksudnya. Mungkin dia ingin mengecek apa aku masih duduk manis di sampingnya, walaupun gak ada kemungkinan aku lompat keluar dari jendela bis karena bis itu mengadopsi design akuarium! Atau mungkin dia memberi aku delikan minta tolong agar diselamatkan dari percakapan dengan pria tua itu yang, jika benar, kurang berhasil dilakukannya. Aku malah berkata dalam hati, kau terlihat begitu manis saat ngobrol dengan orang asing. Dan itu adalah salah satu keahliannya yang perlahan ditularkannya padaku, “The Art of Talking to Strangers”.

Tak lama kemudian pria tua itu bangkit dari tempat duduknya, bagi seseorang yang cukup lama meninggalkan kota dingin ini pria tua itu memiliki daya ingat yang cukup hebat terlebih dengan kemungkinan dia sedang mabuk, dan kemudian dia berkata bahwa dia akan turun di pemberhentian berikutnya. Saat itu aku mulai memperhatikan pria tua itu tanpa perantara jendela bis sambil menyelipkan lenganku ke lengan dia yang duduk disampingku yang juga tengah memandang pria tua itu. Dalam salam perpisahannya untuk teman barunya pria tua itu berkata baik-baiklah kau dan gadismu, sambil tersenyum padaku mempertontonkan sederetan gigi yang telah ompong di beberapa tempat dimakan usia dan mungkin kebiasaan buruknya. Serta merta aku berseru dalam hati, sepertinya aku menyukaimu pak tua! dan tersenyum padanya.

Sepanjang sisa perjalanan there we were, with arms clenched-silently joyful hearted.

Gargle Please!

Yesi and I talked about Dental Care as our topic at the radio show this week.

Omi : Do you think they have tooth sealants here in Indonesia? Since i never heard of it.
Yesi : Well they might, you should ask to the dentist.
Omi : Hmm ask eh?!
Yesi : But you know when i tried to ask something to my dentist he glared at me and gave such reluctant response.
Omi : You know the dilemma of being a dentist with a full-of-questions patient?
Yesi : What?
Omi : He cant say, SHUT UP!

Maybe all he can say then,"Ok, now you gargle!" :D

Dia Yang Kelabu

Teruntuk dia yang kelabu
yang berada diantara gadis itu dan aku
mengajukan pertanyaan akan cintaku

di wajahnya ku liat...
kesendirian, harapan, cinta, dan kelabu
kesempatan, keputusasaan, dan ketidakpedulian

ketika dia menawarkan tangannya padaku
gambaran kesemua hal itu datang satu per satu
namun aku tak mau menebak

apakah itu cinta atau kesendirian
yang membuatnya ada
atau aku hanya pilihan setelah penolakan.


For him who is grey
who's between her and me
proposes a question on my feeling

On his face I see the images...
of loneliness, hope, love and darkness
opportunity, despair and ignorance

Once, he came to offer me his hand
the flash of the images came before me
but I refused to guess his motive

Was it love or loneliness
that created this situation
or was I merely a choice between choices and rejection?


I don’t know what to argue about on topic about men vs women but this one male friend said to me TWICE that women are stupid. It seems to me that he needs to open his horizon much more. Maybe he watches Beauty Pageants too often, well like my girl friend says its Beauty Pageant after all not Brain Pageant so what do you expect? It doesn’t take so much brain work to smile at the crowd and answer the questions you have practiced zillions of time… and if you’re lucky you get the chance to wave to people.

Anyhow back to the stupid statement. I think many men don’t realize how many women lose their chance to be even smarter than they already are coz they choose to raise their kids or to take care of their husbands. It’s beyond imagination how tortured they are to think about the “what if”, but heck men don’t care. They always think *I* am the money maker here, *I* am the smart one. And when a woman is smart, her man possibly calls her naggy * just another N word lol*. I gotta say not many men can handle smart opinionated women, they would end up giving up and turn to obedient Asian women lol [who I wish wouldn’t accept losers]. A bit sad to say as I am myself an Asian woman, but the thing is I’m men’s ego crusher kind of Asian woman :P feed the ego first then crush them to pieces [only if they don’t worth the love :P]

Speaking of certain race and men hehe… my friend was with this man from different race, he can’t take NO from women. They [men of his kind] expect us [women] to always do what they say, agree with what they do. Duh guys you’re so medieval, go back to the time era where you belong or go extinct!! With these kind of guys, I say NO just for fun and they will sulk for sure. *yo peace dude*

Why I write this? Well I just want to remind people that women are something, regardless of their IQ level or achievements. We are strong, mentally we are [guess why jails are so full of men? Coz we women are too afraid to commit crimes?! Well good for us, coz we look for better ways to solve probs :D], not necessarily physically strong. Women have to go thru excruciating pain of labor, you don’t come from a rock, and they also taught you your first words coz your dad was too busy at work. [I start to ramble again lol].

I won’t be fully unfair to men hehe, I’ve met with ones with intelligence and good respect to women. I bow with my deepest respect to them, as they are rare. But I also know some manwhores *gosh I wish I could tag them hahaha too bad they’re gone from my list :P* HAIL MEN

*giggle out - peace out*

If my heart convinced me to fall for strangers

If my heart convinced me to fall for strangers
I’d fall for….

The hearts of old couple who I always see at the park every afternoon
Sitting on a bench talking to each other or just watching younger lives pass the park. I want to fall for two hearts that grow old together.

The smile and kindness of a man who opened the door for me at coffee shop around the corner. He shared me a thought of a good day just by knowing nice strangers do exist.

The joy in a girl’s face, as she rode her bike under the sun and the wind played with her dress. I could hear groovy music followed her as she paddled the bike away from me.

The ….. of this group of homeless people who sat and talked to me when I was waiting for a friend at a bus station. After some time they changed my worries and uneasiness to laughter and amazement of how nice they were to a stranger like me. I fell for this cute experience.

Not really a stranger, but I’d fall for the way my friend described how he felt when his son was born. “It blew me away” he said, he fell in love with his son like crazy in an instant. I hope one day I will be in his shoes, filled with unconditional love my mom was full of because of my existence.

The puzzlement on a child’s innocent face, I don’t have to describe how cute it is. I just want to give the child a smooch on the nose.

The bizarre-complicated-poetic-beautifulminded poets, I already fell and will always fall for you. Nothing really is indescribable. Words exist to put everything into its place.

We Are The Summer

Don’t ask me a thing now, just for now don’t try to understand me
I just want to be distant, bizarre, un-understandable and weird as that
Refuse to talk but to the sun, the clouds, and the wind
You wouldn’t understand this feeling, so just don’t say a thing
Stand there, wait till I calm down and come to my senses.
I need you to be there in your silence with your eyes open wide
Watching me letting the universe absorbs my tantrum away
Once I’m done, you will be my sun – together we’ll be summer
I will do the funny dance you will play your orange guitar
On a lucky day I will convince you to walk on your bare feet
To feel the happiness of tiptoeing on wet grass and concrete
As the night falls into its place, we’ll warm up the wind and let it blows
Warm humor to young couple watching romance movie at the park
Then look up the sky of the dark night, you shall see…
Tiny lights twirl in the air doing all the magic for the human kind
And yes my dear, I will seal the summer night with some kisses between your ears.
But for now, don’t ask me a thing. I want to be distant just like this.


--------------are like apples----------------
----------on trees. The best ones----------
---------are at the top of the tree.---------
-------The boys dont want to reach--------
-----for the good ones because they-------
--are afraid of falling and getting hurt.----
---Instead, they get the rotten apples-----
---from the ground that arent as good, ---
---but easy. So the apples up top think---
----something wrong w/ them when in----
-----reality they're amazing. They just----
------have to wait for the right boy to-----
-------come along, the one who's----------
------------- brave enough to---------------
------------------climb all--------------------
------------------the way--------------------
-----------------to the top-------------------
----------------of the tree.------------------

Am I one of the up top apples?