Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dream BIG!

They say "if your dream doesn't scare you, it's not big enough" and I'm feeling it right now. This dream is scaring the shit out of me...

Partly because I know my parents wouldn't like it, the rest is because it wouldn't be easy, it would take a lot of sacrifices. Financially, physically and mentally. I got you curious by now eh?

This thing I have been boiling in my head for more than a year is... I want take a career break and have an adventure namely "Working Holiday Visa in Australia" for 12 months. Yes, I have been thinking about it for quite awhile but when I found out that one of my friend finally got the visa, I can't help myself from remembering how much I want it! Plus now I have clearer view on how to get it and what's in store for me if I get the visa.

1. Monstrous Parents, haha they're not that bad but they can be very discouraging, to an extreme level if we're talking about my dad. I have dropped the bomb, my step mom at first was supportive but once she talked to my dad... well you know. My dad is the type of parent who always (this is my perspective, maybe not always) thinks that his kids' ideas are ridiculous. I have won the battle of choosing my own major at university, wherein my younger sister lost, so I will win this one also! #determinated 

2. Money. You know what, in my language Bahasa Indonesia policy = kebijaksanaan, which actually means wisdom. But most kebijaksanaan is not wise! Just a backpacker saying. This visa policy requires people who want to get Working Holiday visa to have AUD5000. 
With two trip plans (which I have the tickets already) I am flat broke haha. I picture myself like a homeless man with a bottle of booze in his hand, all broke but have a stupid smile on my face XD
Lucky I have a friend who is willing to help me up by putting his money into my bank account until I get the visa and send it back to him, however it's not AUD5000 yet. So I'm still looking for a volunteer, anyone? :D

3. Age limit. This is the saddest and embarrassing one LOL. There is such thing as age limit for this kind of visa, which is once again NOT WISE for me (and some other old people), which is 30. I have to apply before I get to my 30th birthday next year. This year is my last chance, hope my parents understand that their aging daughter is just not (yet) the marrying kind and wants to have adventure before going back to behind-desk work. 

Spending time browsing while waiting for the right moment when I have BALLS to once again drop the bomb at my parents is most likely what I would do these days. You are welcome to disturb me with a comment saying you would love to lend me some money, I will send you a copy of my dad's ID so you know where to find him :P

Anywayyyyy aside from being all pensive about this subject, I am so stocked about my June trip! And my birthday! And oh oh oh I finally got drawn by this cool guy jab_comic from instagram, check this out!!!

I am so happy with this drawing, it is worth the waiting and the waking up at 4 am to get into the list of people he would draw. It's 11 pm here now, I might want to wake up early tomorrow for a swim if the weather will be friendly unlike today. So... cheerio! 

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