Monday, January 7, 2013

Asperger and Lying

Just the other day I put "I love you Asperger people!" status on Skype which led to a this convo:

Him: why do you love them?
Me: because they can't lie (as far as I know, yes they lack of the ability to lie)
Him: but there are people who don't lie too.
Me: however with those people you can't tell whether they lie or not.
Him: true, it means you don't trust people?
Me: I don't.
Him: lucky you, how could you do that?
Me: getting hurt makes you lose trust.
Him: well I was hurt, but when they say sorry I forgive them.
Me: not hurt enough.

Wow I sound so cold lol but that's the truth. Anyway I just googled some about Aspie (cute nickname eh) and lying, so Aspie are generally honest, but can learn to lie. Lying somehow becomes human tool of survival? Sad.

In reverse of Aspie learning to lie, since I experienced the horrible event of someone lying to me, I decided to have honest policy. I'm learning to not lie. It's not easy, esp. to parents haha.

May only honest people survive :)

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