Dear a piece of paper that I've been staring for a week 3 days 8 hours and 45 minutes
Loving a different name would be another story
Time I'm spending is to wonder...
Has the previous story made me a stronger writer?
No one wants to go through the same lines again when it's hurtful
Figure that is what I spend my time for
To come up with different lines although it might be twisting and tiring
But its the chances we take to make different ending
Is that all I care about?
What about the journey that makes me grow?
What about seeing things I come to know?
By heart...
Weren't you the only one who sang the song to me?
It is so distant in memory I should've forgotten by now
In fact, I haven't... this is why I hate fact
Should I be grateful that your voice has blended with others
Fading fading fading to be a vibrating line of noise
But never comes to death, like a sweet dark nightmare
Kick it away but pleased not to be alone when it comes back persistently
Preserving memories inside a thick candy can
Is that all I care about?
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