Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pulau Kumala [Kumala Island]

What a small picture it is, but see the writting above me and my family "Pulau Kumala" which means Kumala Island. I'm promoting it since i think quite a lot people are interested in visiting me, or actually seeing me at least Sony and Herry do. Pulau Kumala is located in Tenggarong, Kutai Kertanegara, a regency near by Samarinda the capital of East Kalimantan province.

This island lies in the middle of Mahakam river, pretty interesting although not well managed yet. There are several games you can play, but sometimes it's underconstruction or something. My fave is the BomBom Car, the mini go cart, even last year i played 2 rounds with my sis and bro without being ashamed that most of the player was kids hehehe.

Other nice thing is the transportation you take to cross to this island, there are two options. 1. Kereta Gantung, what is it in english??? Hanging train??Haha.... i forget the name. then 2. By boats, which i love better but also i like the option #1 since i then can see my freaked out step mom hehehe. Anyway i'm planning to go to Pulau Kumala soon in the future with Belu and cousins so maybe i can tell what's new about it.

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