Showing posts with label office story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label office story. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let The Office Posts Started

Nothing fancy about my job, I'm just a secretary for a legal department which consists of me, 5 men (4 of them with law background) and 1 male intern. That makes me the prettiest one in the office, no matter what (except the days I wear jeans, sneakers and polo tshirt - I look like a dude too).

Every morning (with an exception on days when my boss is on his leave, we try to skip this) we always have 3-4 hours meeting. Looking from the duration, we don't always talk about work. I work with funny people who are constantly teasing each other even about work.

When I say funny it's not just hilarious funny but weird funny too, all of them have kinky notion about most of everything. Hence I have to be careful of what I say, else they'd corner me with their "interpretation" of my words.

My boss is a funny technology challenged man. He most of the time sounds like he's mad about things, but that's just how he talks. This is what happened yesterday:

Boss: hey look at this *pointing at his iPhone* isn't it a middle finger?
Coworker: nah that's a thumb
(He came to me to show the text)
Me: doh sir, that's a thumb.
Boss: now how do I get that kind of sign?
Me: download the emoji bla bla
Boss: hush hush just get me that (handed over his iPhone)

Then days before when I was sick:
Boss: what's wrong with you?
Me: dizzy, guess it's my anemia
Boss: that's the memory loss right?
Me: ..... that's amnesia

Nice try boss!